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Who is Alphageekgirl?A little bit about me

Alphageekgirl visiting San Francisco

Hi, my name is Debi Taylor - a.k.a. Alphageekgirl on the Foundry Forums. I'm a recent honours graduate of the University of Technology, Sydney, where my research focus was on digital game development and user experience.

In my spare time I like to do geeky stuff like designing and creating games, iPhone game programming, creating stop motion animations, playing piano and watercoloring.

But my most favourite pasttime of ALL is to while-away the hours messing with MODO. I enjoy hard-surface modeling, creating textures, fiddling with shaders, rendering out images, messing with rigging and animating characters for games, playing with dynamics as well as model, sculpt and paint game environments and props. More recently I've become interested in architectural visualisations.

In addition to running this MODO site, my plan is to also indoctrinate every kid on the planet to want to use MODO so that by the time they get to college they'll refuse to want to learn another 3D package. 😛

The MODO community is the best in the world, so much so that I am willing to travel the globe in search of modonauts. So far I've travelled to Canada, Sweden, Mexico, and right across the USA just to host and attend MODO events and meet fellow users. When I'm not able to travel, I am happy to keep in touch with the MODO community around the world via the many MODO user groups on Facebook.

Debi TaylorSite Owner