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Create magic with MODO!

... and have some fun while you're doing it! 🙂


This is now a MODO legacy site. Much of the information here is years out of date. Still, for some MODOnauts, this is a bit of a trip down memory-lane, mostly from the Luxology era. As long as I can afford to host this site, I will leave it up, and you can dig around in the archives.

Although I'm still admin for many of the 30+ Facebook MODO community groups around the world, I have barely opened MODO over these past few years due to career changes and family priorities, but I miss it so much and hope one day to get back to it.

The website as you see it now will not be updated beyond what is already here. Most of it is out-of-date, so consider it a "snapshot in time" from circa 2010-2015, which may suit anyone who is either totally new to 3D, or might still be using any of the older MODO versions (601-901). There is still an absolute TON of stuff on this site you can experiment with, and learn from. And if you get stuck, you can always drop me a line

In the meantime, if you're looking for more updated information, the best site around for all things MODO is PixelFondue, and in particular, William Vaughan's hundreds of 30-60 second tip videos. There's a wealth of information in there!

- Alphageekgirl

December 4, 20159 years ago

Making scripts

Although the scripting interface has been vastly improved in MODO 901, for those still using older versions from 801 or earlier, here's a quick and simple, four-part intro series, by Mind over MODO

May 26, 20159 years ago

Texture Locators

This month I bring you two related articles that I thought I should write after I received an email asking how to apply an image to a box that wasn't scaling properly. So I decide I would post up links to two older videos created by James Darknell some time back, that explain nicely about texture locator projection types, and about editing number controls.

March 31, 20159 years ago

Condensation, camera icons and craziness

This quarter we bring you, condensation, UI adjustments and other helpful neat tips and step-by-step guides for MODO. 

December 31, 201410 years ago

Rendering out image sequences and movies

For our final four-part series for 2014, we cover the pinnacle of all your hard work in MODO. That is, the render. In the first article, we will concentrate on how best to render out movies & image sequences, and the various ways you can approach this task depending on your situation. The second will show you what to do when you have limited time to render, and how to fit within that time-frame, and then various ways to render out individual images that can be converted to a video.



Three ways to use this site...

neat tips!

There are a lot of clever people who generously share their knowledge on the modo forums. Occasionally, you'll come across a gem that you know you'll just need someday in the future, and this is where we keep 'em.


You probably understand the concepts and are familiar with the tools, but it might have been a while since you last did something like this and you just cannot remember where to start. No explanations why - just step-by-step instructions how to jog your memory so you can get stuck right in.

by topic

Some time you'll recall back watching a video or reading a solution to a particular problem (that you now have) - but you just can't remember where you saw/read it. You might have a vague idea of which category or keyword to use in order to find it within articles and news posts.

Apartment interior based on photo from Carlie Ziri
Harbourside apartment
Harbourside apartment
Harbourside apartment
Practicing twilight lighting for Halloween
My kitchen
My home
Richard's shed at Bomaderry
Just another space corridor
Psycho house for Halloween
Alleyway inspired by an Instagram taken photo by Aram Dulyan
Michael Lennie Apartment block
Cube House
Cube House (NPR)
Brett Taylor House
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